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介绍一下你自己和所做的工作。 🔗
我 整理想法并将其打包 。我是狂热的摄影师、制造者、旅行者、父亲、骑行者、设计师、哲学家与阅读者。我思考技术哲学,并以写作谋生。最近完成的一本书是有关天使与机器人的漫画小说,叫做 《银绳》 (The Silver Cord)。我是 《连线》 (Wired)的创始人之一,也曾是 《全球概览》 (Whole Earth Catalog)的编辑。同时也在更新博客 Cool Tools ,它已经持续更新 12 年了。
你都在使用哪些硬件? 🔗
一台四核配置的 Mac G5 ,外接两个巨大的 Cinema Display 显示器 ,对,两个。旅行时会带一台小巧可爱的 11 英寸 Mac Air ,我太喜欢它了。
桌上有一个绘画用的 Wacom 数位板 ,一台古老的松下双线电话机,一副 Radio Shack 的耳机(讲电话只能靠它)还有一台非电子的 Brock 显微镜 。
旅行包内有一副 Bose Quiet15 降噪耳塞 ,即使在航班上睡觉时也会戴着它。它很小很轻,能隔绝外部的声音,比如飞机上的噪声。目前佩戴的感觉还是很舒适的。还有一个小小的 Fenix AA LED 手电筒 和一台旧 3G Kindle 。当需要做演讲的时候,会带上一个 Logitech Wireless Presenter 用来遥控幻灯片,还有一个 Mac VGA 转接头。
我的丰田休旅车没什么好讲的,里面有一个 Garmin Nuvi 1300 导航仪。我会用 iPhone 来听一些 podcast 与有声读物。我的大部分「阅读」就是在 iPhone 上完成的。
正式拍摄时我用的是 Lumix FZ150 ,它是一台 24X 超大变焦的相机,相当于有一个 600mm 的镜头。它非常轻,而且结构紧凑。我并不嫌弃随身带台单反,要知道过去几年来我都要带着两个单反和五个镜头,那才是真麻烦。
软件呢? 🔗
一般会开这些应用: Postbox (邮件应用)、 Chrome 、 Word 、 PowerPoint 、 Lightroom (照片处理软件)、 Tweetbot 、备忘录、 Scrivener (写作软件)、 InDesign (排版软件)与 Evernote 。我用 Time Machine 把备份保存在一个移动硬盘与两个(对,两个)云端服务器上,分别是 BackBlaze 与 Crashplan 。至今我还没有丢失过任何文件。
你最理想的工作环境是什么? 🔗
大屏幕越多越好。希望能在一个四周都是墙、墙上挂满大屏显示器的地方工作,而且能完全用手势与声音去操控它们(想象一下《少数派报告》与《钢铁侠》里的场景)。我还希望能有人做出一个 HTML5 的云端发布平台,比 InDesign 更简单;只要把文字拖放到版面内,摁下一个键,你的电子书就发布了。
你平时获得工作灵感的方式有哪些? 🔗
推荐一件生活中的利器给大家。 🔗
我口袋里常会带一把一美元的 塑料美工刀 ,一天会用到它四次左右。
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Who are you, and what do you do? 🔗
I package ideas. I am an avid photographer, maker, traveler, father, bicyclist, designer, philosopher, and book reader. I make my living as a techno-philosopher and author. My most recent book is a graphic novel about angels and robots called The Silver Cord. I’m co-founder of Wired magazine, and former editor of the Whole Earth Catalogs. I also publish the Cool Tools blog, going on 12 years.
What hardware do you use? 🔗
A Mac G5 Quad Core tower with two, yes two, huge Cinema screens. I travel with a tiny, lovely, cheery 11-inch Mac Air , which I love.
On my desk is a classic Wacom Graphire tablet for drawing, an ancient Panasonic 2-line phone, a Radio Shack headset (the only way to talk on a phone), and a non-electric Brock Microscope .
In my travel bag I keep a pair of Bose Quite15 noise canceling earphones, which I will keep on even while I sleep on a flight. Very small, lightweight. Cancel outside sound, like on an airplane, yet are comfortable to wear. A tiny Fenix AA LED flashlight, and an old 3G Kindle. When I am presenting a talk I carry a Logitech Wireless Presenter for advancing slides remotely, and a Mac VGA dongle.
In my boring Toyota minivan, I have a Garmin Nuvi 1300 navigator. I use my iPhone for listening, filled with podcasts and audio books. That’s where I get most of my “reading” done.
When I am seriously photographing I use a Lumix FZ150, with its awesome 24x optical zoom, the equivalent of something like a 600mm lens. It’s super light and compact. I can’t be bothered with an SLR, because I carried two of those and five lenses everyday for years and it was a drag.
And what software? 🔗
I usually keep the following apps opened: Postbox (email), Chrome, Word, Powerpoint, Lightroom (photos), Tweetbot, Notes, Scrivner (book writing), InDesign (book layout), and Evernote. I back up to TimeMachine, to a second eternal hardisk, and to two (yes 2) cloud servers, BackBlaze and Crashplan. I have not lost any files yet.
What is your ideal work environment? 🔗
I can’t have too many large screens. I’d like to be surrounded by large screens the size of walls, and have full gestural and voice input (think Minority Report and Iron Man set ups). Also, I hope somebody makes an html5 cloud-based publishing platform. Just drag and drop inside your layout, better than InDesign, then hit a button to publish your ebook.
Where does your work inspiration come from? 🔗
I read a lot of books. In fact, I work in a space surrounded by a two-story library of printed books. Books give me ideas.
Recommend a useful tool for daily life. 🔗
I carry a $1 plastic box cutting knife in my pocket. I used it about 4 times every day.