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介绍一下你自己和所做的工作。 🔗
我是 王品 ,我的工作是把想法发展成战略,再把它从战略发展为一个产品。我是个创业者、游戏设计师,同时也是个产品经理。现在是 Effective Design Lab 的合伙人。 Effective Design Lab 帮助包括从初创企业到世界五百强的公司创造用户喜爱的产品体验。
你都在使用哪些硬件? 🔗
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13'' MacBook Air 是我包里必备的物品。我大多数工作就是靠这台电脑,再加上传统的纸笔或者白板完成的。
在家我还有一台超棒的游戏 PC、一台 Windows 笔记本和两个 24'' 显示器。
出行时我会带 Kindle Paperwhite 、 iPhone 5s 和一副配合 Comply 海绵耳塞套 使用的 小米活塞 ,重点是最后这个。多年来我在高端入耳监听耳塞上花了几千美元,现在我出于音质和便利的考量而听这 15 美元的耳塞。Kindle 和我手机里的播客填充了我一天大部分的空隙。
软件呢? 🔗
我会用 GTD 软件来管理自己的时间,在 Mac 上会用 Things 建立主要的 todo list。我(尽量)让收件箱保持无邮件的状态,出门时也在手机上用 Clear 。最近开始切到 Evernote 里做笔记。
完成设计工作时我会用 Photoshop 和 Keynote 。项目允许的时候,我会直接用 HTML/ CSS 里做原型和设计(用 MacVim 和 Ethan Schoonover 的 Solarized 配色方案)。对于软件来说,设计是个持续的过程,我一直认为尽量参与其中比较好。
做团队项目时我们用 Trello ,也用 Slack 沟通。我们试着把干扰减到最小。但也没什么能替代面对面交流就是了。
你最理想的工作环境是什么? 🔗
你平时获得工作灵感的方式有哪些? 🔗
三个来源: 1)书,大多数是虚构类的,因为我们通过隐喻来理解事物。 2)朋友,他们的忙碌提醒我要去工作。 3)播客,向我展示新的东西。
推荐一件生活利器给大家。 🔗
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Who are you, and what do you do? 🔗
I turn ideas into strategy and strategy into products. I’m an entrepreneur, game designer, and product guy. I’m a partner at Effective Design Lab , where we help companies from startups to Fortune 500s create experiences that users love.
What hardware do you use? 🔗
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My 13'' MacBook Air is the first thing I put in my bag. This machine plus the old pen and paper or whiteboard is where most my work gets done.
At home is my Beast Gaming PC and a Windows laptop with two 24'' monitors.
On the go I take my Kindle Paperwhite , iPhone 5s , and most importantly my Xiaomi Pistons with Comply foam ear-tips. Having spent thousands of dollars on high-end in-ear monitors over the years, I now use these $15 ones for sound quality and convenience. The Kindle and podcasts on my phone fill most of the gaps in my day with some substance.
And what software? 🔗
I organize myself with a GTD system, and use Things for Mac as my main todo list. I (try to) maintain a 0-inbox in Gmail and use Clear on the phone when I’m out. Recently I converted to Evernote for note taking.
For design I use Photoshop and Keynote . When the project allows I prototype and design directly in HTML/CSS ( MacVim with Ethan Schoonover’s Solarized color scheme). In software, design is an ongoing process so I believe in staying involved as much as possible.
On team projects I employ Trello , and use Slack for communication. We try to keep interruptions to a minimum– though nothing can replace a face-to-face talk.
What is your ideal work environment? 🔗
Wherever people are not interrupting me constantly. Setting up my work environment is more of me occupying a specific mental space than organizing a physical location.
Where does your work inspiration come from? 🔗
Three things: 1) Books, and mostly fiction, because we understand through metaphor. 2) Friends, whose hustle reminds me to do the work. 3) Podcasts, to show me new things.
Recommend a useful tool for daily life. 🔗
Invest in a quality pair of shoes! Movement stimulates your brain. Unfortunately, our brains evolved out of a need for complex movement, not a need for great design.
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阅读推荐:《 创业维艰 》。对普通创业者来说,这本书更像是一种情感补偿。艰难,但也请继续吧。